The Graduate

Phew! It’s been awhile! With the holidays and never ending colds I haven’t been able to blog lately, so here’s an update on Lennon! On Saturday, Lennon graduated from her beginner’s dog training class! Things were looking a little rough at the beginning, but she pulled through! Next up- intermediate class!

Just because Lennon graduated from training class does not mean she behaves any better at home. Since I’ve been home from work today I’ve had to pull her off the table, my bed, the stove, the island, and the kitchen sink. I also had to pull her out from behind the entertainment center and the couch! It’s never ending around here!


A Fence!

We finally got a fence! As some of you know, it was quite the struggle to get this darn fence up, but it finally happened and Lennon (and I) couldn’t be happier! She stays out there for what seems like hours! Getting her to come back in the house is a chore. If she’s naughty, I just let her outside and she’s freeeeee (and so am I). However, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Lennon apparently is a digger. Just my luck. I looked out the window in my shower (yes, there is a window in my shower) and noticed dirt. Everywhere. How does she even find dirt?! It’s been snowing for 3 solid days! Evil genius.

I filled in the hole and covered it with chunks of ice so she couldn’t dig anymore. That didn’t stop her, she just moved down 3 feet and started digging again. So as of 4:00 pm today I have filled in 4 holes, and my mud room is just that- a room of mud.

On a happier note, Lennon is passed out! I’ll take it!


The Tinfoil House

Yesterday we took Lennon to her training class and we expressed to our trainer that Lennon was ALWAYS on the furniture and we did not want her to be. Our trainer suggested that we put tinfoil on the furniture. This sounded crazy to us, but we are willing to try anything at this point.
This morning after church when we let Lennon out of her crate she went straight for the couch. Dom grabbed the tinfoil and she hasn’t been on the furniture since! It’s a Christmas miracle! Lennon walks into the living room, sees the tinfoil, and takes off running in the opposite direction! It freaks her out!
A not so good thing about the tinfoil is the fact that we look like crazy people with tinfoil everywhere. Since it worked so well on the furniture we may have added tinfoil to our counters as well…



Keeping Lennon Occupied

While researching Border Collies, I learned that they are working dogs. If they don’t have something to do, they will find something to do. Lennon wants to be in the middle of EVERYTHING. Oh, you’re doing laundry? She’ll help you match socks. Oh, you’re loading the dishwasher? She’ll hop right in. Oh, you want to clean the floor with vinegar? She’ll stick her head right in the bucket. The only way to really keep her busy is a) put her in her crate, which results in horrible high pitched barks that never seem to end, or b) give her a raw hide bone that will give her terrible gas. There’s really no winning with this one.

Some friends of ours came over the other day and said “Wow, you look exhausted! Like really, you look like new parents who haven’t slept in days.” That’s exactly how I feel after hours of pulling Lennon off the furniture, off the counters, off the kitchen table, off the stove, off the baby gate, off the bathroom sink, off the window sills, and off really anything else she decides to climb on on any given day.



Lennon- An Introduction

We adopted Lennon, a 6 month old Border Collie mix from the pound on October 30. She was cute, friendly, and full of energy. We had no idea just how much energy she had. This blog is to document the craziness that is this dog. She’s a sour patch kid. One second she’s sweet (that lasts literally one second) and the next she’s sour beyond belief. Hopefully writing about her antics will make me less mad at her.
